The Liberal-Bruant Hotel

Where is the Hôtel Libéral-Bruant? How to get there
When was the Hôtel Libéral-Bruant built?
Description of the Hôtel Libéral-Bruant
Who is the architect of the Hôtel Libéral-Bruant? the sponsor?
Who owns the Hôtel Libéral-Bruant today and its current use?

Where is the Hôtel Libéral-Bruant located? How do I get there?

The Hôtel Libéral-Bruant is located at 1, rue de la Perle 75003 Paris.

Metro: Saint-Paul (line 1) then 8-minute walk

When was the Hôtel Libéral-Bruant built?

In 1685

Description of the Hôtel Libéral-Bruant :

The architecture of the Hôtel Libéral-Bruant is classical and sober, with a refined décor such as the Roman-inspired sculptures on the façade.

Who is the architect of the Hôtel Libéral-Bruant? The client?

None other than Liberal-Bruant himself is both the architect and the patron. He had built it for himself, but ended up preferring to house tenants.

Which museum was housed in the Hôtel Libéral-Bruant?

The musée de la Serrure, founded in 1976 by the Bricard company in the Hôtel Libéral-Bruant, closed in 2003.

The City of Paris sold the Hôtel Libéral-Bruant to the Bricard company in 1968, with the proviso that it would be restored and used as a museum of locks.

The Musée de la Serrure was dedicated to the history of locks and locksmithing from Antiquity to the present day.

Today, the mansion houses a contemporary art space.

Summary return of the private mansions of the Marais

Photo credit: Claire Cornic